Restoring Mind-Body Harmony In the work of putting a fine point on what it is I actually do, my team of mentors and I came to this phrase that sums it up really well – restoring mind-body harmony. The only downside to it is that it sounds a little squishy, kinda new-agey. A little bit out there and, for a lot of the folks I work with, just not something they’re interested in digging into. I totally get that. My goal in writing this is to help you make sense of mind-body harmony in a way that shows it for what it really is: practical and necessary. Do you know that feeling when movement feels really easy and graceful, like there’s no resistance? Or when your mind is totally lucid and you’re able to think clearly, quickly, and accurately, making great decisions? For almost all of us, when our mind feels razor sharp, our body feels pretty great. And when our body feels on point, our mind is at ease. In a nutshell, this is mind-body harmony. Now, we’re going to think of the converse. Think about a time when you were feeling pain, especially that kind of constant, low-grade ache that a lot of people get in their lower back. Can you recall how your mind was working at that point? Did mental work feel harder than it should have? Did it change your temper? Your ability to deal with difficult work situations?What about times when you felt like your brain was out of control? Maybe you have a tendency to ruminate on little bad interactions or you’re feeling overwhelmed by deadlines or pressure at work. What did your body feel like at that point? A few words that come to my mind are heavy, slow, and lethargic. Or maybe you didn’t feel anything in your body. Those are two examples of mind-body disharmony. My hypothesis is that we all want to feel and perform at our highest level. We want to be the parents we imagine ourselves to be. We want to be a partner who’s compassionate, caring, and present. We want to be the kind of boss or coworker that the people we see every day are glad to know and work with. The key to all of those desires is for our mind and body to be in harmony with one another. The work that I do with Just Breathe Manual Therapy is built on that foundation. I’m excited to announce that in June, I will launch a free, 4-day Mind-Body Harmony course. This course will be delivered straight to your inbox and will guide you through simple practices that will help you find where you have room for growth and give you clear, actionable habits to build to cultivate mind-body harmony on your own. Sign up for the course here. |